Heart of Darkness
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Xena: [running through the forest] … "Eve! … Eve! … Eve, there's nothing to be afraid of, honey! I just want to talk to you!"
Lucifer: "She could have gone in any direction." … [Xena spots a piece of Eve's cloak on the ground and they head off in that direction]

Xena: "Eve! The sooner you stop running, the sooner we can clear up this little misunderstanding!"
Lucifer: "I love the way you bait a trap."
Xena: "You ain't seen nothing yet."

Eve: [inside an abandoned temple] … "What are you doing here?"
Virgil: "Just having a chat with old Eli about why he chose my father's murderer as his messenger."
Eve: "What did he say?"
Virgil: "He said, 'prayer won't help you now.'"
Eve: "That's why I came for those." … [nods towards two swords hanging on the wall]

'I can't let you do that'
Gabrielle: "I'm sorry, Eve. I can't let you do that."
Eve: "Gabrielle, please."
Gabrielle: "No, listen, I can't let you discard all your beliefs because of a crisis."

Eve: "My beliefs will die with me if I do not send my mother through that portal."
Gabrielle: "No."
Eve: "Look, the only thing left of my mother is our memory of her. If you care anything about that, you will help me send her through that portal."
Gabrielle: "I'll help you … I'VE GOT HER !!!"

Xena: "Nice run, Eve … made your mom proud."
Virgil: "She came for the swords."
Xena: "My little pacifist, how enterprising … and hypocritical. Have you learned nothing from our time together?"
Eve: "I've learned this … [breaks free of Gabrielle and Virgil] … and this … [flips up and grabs the swords from the wall] … and most importantly, I've learned that the heart can betray, but the sword never lies."
Lucifer: "Great farewell speech. Time to go."

'If anyone deserves this historic opportunity, it's Gabrielle'
Xena: "Wait! If anyone deserves this historic opportunity, it's Gabrielle."
Lucifer: "What?! Gabrielle?" … [Deadly Sin #6 = Envy]
Xena: "She's been my partner for years. She's shared things with me you could never understand."

Lucifer: "What about our partnership?"
Xena: "You can't expect me to trust someone so ripe for corruption; someone so quick to switch sides; someone who, without even realizing it, has committed every Deadly Sin but one."
Lucifer: "You tricked me!"
Xena: "You tried to kill me. What did you expect?"
Lucifer: "I swear to you, Xena, I will spend eternity making sure you feel my wrath!" … [Deadly Sin #7 = Wrath]
Xena: "Wrath? Congratulations, Lucifer, you just won the Deadly Sin Lottery with a perfect score of seven out of seven."
Lucifer: "How dare you be so smug when men sin everyday."
Xena: "That's what makes us human, Lucifer. But in you, an Archangel, to succumb to such temptation, that's what makes you a monster."

[Another portal to Hell opens up in the middle of the temple while Lucifer morphs into a demon.]

'That doesn't begin to make up for the attributes you lost'
Lucifer: "I'm still hot for you, Xena. Only now, I'm bigger, stronger, and more powerful than ever."
Xena: "That doesn't begin to make up for the attributes you lost." … [shows him his reflection]

Lucifer: "What … what have you done to me?"
Xena: "Only what I suspect Michael wanted all along -- to put you in touch with your inner demon. Your kingdom awaits!"

Lucifer: "Come, Xena, you belong to me!"
Xena: "The Hell I do!" … [knocks poor disfigured Lucifer into the portal, which then closes]

'Part of me never left'
Eve: "Mother!"
Xena: "Eve."
Eve: "You're back!"
Xena: "Part of me never left."

Eve: "I never should have doubted you."
Xena: "After all you've seen and been through, I can't blame you for thinking the Dark Side had won. I just hope that one day you'll believe as strongly as I do in the power of love to save lives."

Gabrielle: "Xena, you did more than save lives, you , um …"
Virgil: "Saved me from making the mistake of a lifetime."
Xena: [relieved] … "Right."
Virgil: "Well, I guess I'd better go clean this mess up."
Eve: [sensing a tension between Xena and Gabrielle] … "I'll help."

'You and Lucifer were looking , um ... a little .. uh ...'
Gabrielle: "Thought I had lost you for a minute there."
Xena: "Yeah, which minute was that?"
Gabrielle: "You and Lucifer were looking , um … a little ... uh …"

Xena: "Gabrielle, every time I felt myself lose control, I just thought of you -- led me back home."
Gabrielle: "Really?"
Xena: "Sure."
Gabrielle: "Don't go getting all emotional on me, Xena."

DISCLAIMER: All Hell broke loose during the filming of this motion picture.

Images courtesy of The Temple of the Chakram

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