Xena: "Michael … since you, better than anyone, know I have the power to kill angels, I am very impressed you'd come to do your own dirty work."
Michael: "You dare talk of 'dirty work' when you've besmirched so many souls with your nefarious filth."
Xena: "Besmirch -- is that even a real word?"
Raphael: "What does it matter, when these are real swords."
Gabrielle: "Michael, I never thought I would do this." … [raises her sais to throw]
Michael: "You won't." … [sends a ball of angelic energy to disarm her]
Virgil: "Hey!" … [whips out his sword, only to get the same treatment][Two more Archangels appear. Xena quickly dispatches them without even snagging her fishnet stockings.]
Xena: "You know, I really hope the main course is more satisfying than the appetizer."
[Xena, Michael and Raphael are transported to the portal to Hell in Xena's backyard, which is still waiting for its new ruler.]
Xena: "Your little magic tricks won't get me into that portal, Raphael."
Raphael: "I know something that will." … [Lucifer appears]Xena: "Lucifer, come on, you're smarter than that." … [Lucifer draws his sword]
Michael: "This isn't a matter of intelligence, Xena. It's about devotion."
Xena: "To whom? Your God?"
Lucifer: "Yes!"
Xena: "The same God that denies pleasures to angels, but grants them to the lowliest creatures on earth? The same pleasures I would spend eternity showing you."
Michael: "If you want redemption, Lucifer, now is the time."
Xena: "I was their hero once, too. Look how they've repaid me. Lucifer … Lucifer … [he turns to fight Michael … [Deadly Sin #5 = Covetousness] ... forsaking his God and chosing the pleasures of Earth]
Xena: "I told you we'd make one Hell of a team! … [she and Lucifer engage in one major lip-lock, until her rolled up coat hits her in the back of the head, thrown by one slightly annoyed looking bard] … Yes?"Xena: "I was kinda in the middle of something, Gabrielle."
Gabrielle: "Xena, you were supposed to throw him into the portal."
Xena: "Yeah, well, he wasn't ready."
Gabrielle: "Xena, no one is ready to go to Hell. That's the point."
Xena: "Really? Well, you and Virgil were looking ready to burn not long ago."
Gabrielle: "So?"
Xena: "Evil … the Dark Side … it's intoxicating, isn't it?"
Gabrielle: "Oh, yeah. It's intoxicating."Xena: "Lucifer and I need time to work out the terms of our new partnership."
Gabrielle: "Partnership?"
Xena: "With no one on the throne to Hell, that portal is going to bust wide open and the kingdoms of Earth and Hell are going to merge."
Lucifer: "She'll need more than a mere mortal to help her rule it."
Virgil: "Who are you calling mere?"Virgil: "How's your head?"
Eve: "You need my help, Mother. I'm the only one who sees what's happening."
Xena: "You may the gift of sight, Eve, but you should trust that I have a vision!"
Eve: [sees the darkness further spreading through Xena's heart] … "As I feared, it's led you astray."
Xena: "So what? You gonna illuminate the way back home?"
Eve: "Hopefully … before the light within is extinguished." … [tries to 'heal' her mother, but her touch is repelled and she is knocked off her feet]
Xena: "Where did I go wrong? You've gotten in Mommy's way for the last time."
Lucifer: "I hope you don't mind. I asked them to ready the room for us."
Xena: "Thank you, Aliyah."
Aliyah: "It's a pleasure to serve you."
Lucifer: "And now, it'll be mine."
Xena: "Not now, Lucifer."
Lucifer: "Don't tell me you've got a headache."
Xena: "Yes, and her name is Eve. We won't have any peace until we've dealt with her."Lucifer: "Peace is overrated. It's passion that makes one feel alive."
Xena: "Passion is also unpredictable, as I learned when you nearly joined Michael in feeding me to the flames."
Lucifer: "Old habits die hard. Right now, I'd do anything to make it up to you."
Xena: "Even tell Michael and his God that the world is ours and they had better stay the Hell out of our way?"
Lucifer: "What makes you think they'll listen?"
Xena: "Oh, they'll listen when we kill their messenger."
Lucifer: "Kill Eve?"
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