Gabrielle: "You're pregnant? ... How can you be pregnant? ... Xena ... I mean, when did you -- who did --"
Xena: "I don't know."
Joxer: ... (to Armon) and you asked her advice on your love life ..."
Gabrielle: "You don't know?"
Xena: "Gabrielle, this is as strange to me as it is to you. I don't understand it, but it's true. I felt it with Solon and I feel it now. There's life within me ... and it's good."Amarise: "Wow, a baby. You're going to be a really good mom."
Xena: "Thanks."
Armon: "It's really something."
Joxer: "I always wanted to be an uncle ... (to Xena's mid-section) Hello there, little fella!."Joxer: "Beats the heck out of my news."
Xena: "What's that?"
Joxer: "Some creep named Darcon's coming. He should he here by sundown."
Xena: "Has Talia seen this?"
Joxer: "I can't find her, nobody can."
Xena: "Then it's up to us."
Amarise: "What are you doing here?"
Armon: "Xena sent me. Told me to guard the flank against a ..."
Amarise: "... surprise attack. I don't even know why she wants me here. All the action's going to be down on the street."
Armon: "I heard this Darcon guy is pretty tough."
Amarise: "Well, I'm not afraid of him if that's what you think."
Armon: "No. Why do you always twist what I say? To tell you the truth, Amarise, I don't know of anybody who would scare you. You'd never let them close enough to try."
Amarise: "That's not true. There is someone who scares me ... you."
Armon: "Very funny."
Amarise: "I'm not kidding. I've never met anyone like you. I'm not used to feeling this way."
Armon: "You think I am? This is all new to me, too."
Amarise: "It doesn't scare you?"
Armon: "Big time. But, that's what makes this so brave, to feel this scared and not run away. I'd say that takes a lot of courage, wouldn't you?"
Amarise: "Are you calling me a coward?"
Armon: "I hope not."
Gabrielle: "You don't have the slightest idea?"
Xena: "No. Look, we've been through this a thousand times. I don't."
Gabrielle: "How could you not know?! I just find that hard to believe, you know?"
Xena: "Tell me."
Gabrielle: "Ares, maybe he did a god thing --"
Xena: "Pfft! No!"
Gabrielle: "Okay, fine ... when was the last time we saw Hercules?"
Darcon: "Hi, honey. I'm home."
Talia: "This isn't your home, Darcon ... not anymore."
Darcon: "Well, we'll have to see about that. Won't we, boys?"
Gabrielle: "Hey, guys!"Gabrielle: (to thug about to set the stable ablaze) "Stop! Stop!"
Thug: "What? You got yourself a little horsey friend? A little pony all tricked out in bows?"
Gabrielle: "Yeah. Don't, please."
Thug: "Who's going to stop me?" (hmm, how about Gab's newfound friend)Darcon: "Go on ... finish it."
Talia: "I have. The rest is up to a judge."
Armon: "So, uh ... I guess this is goodbye."
Amarise: "No, this is."
Armon: "Wow."
Amarise: "You should see my hello's."
Xena: "Well, congratulations. It looks like we're a two-horse family."
Gabrielle: "Yeah, ‘family' being the operative word."
Xena: "Yeah, how about that, huh?"
Gabrielle: "You know what I think? I think it's the beginning of a beautiful relationship."
Xena: "Yep, (patting her stomach) for all of us."
Gabrielle: "Come on, Xena! Race you to Greece!"
Xena: "I don't know if you're ready for that."
Gabrielle: "Oh, you chicken?"
Xena: "No, just being considerate. We race to Greece and you won't be able to walk straight for a month."
DISCLAIMER: Although the rabbit died, no other animals were harmed during the production of this motion picture.
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