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Virgil: "Is this what it means to follow Eli? I knew my faith would be tested, but never like this."
Gabrielle: "Eli always says it takes courage to walk his path."

I just know what I have to do.
Virgil: "How can I love when my heart is filled with vengeance?"
Gabrielle: "I know that it's hard. When you're pushed, you just want to push back. But you have to ask yourself, 'what would Eli want?'"
Virgil: "I don't care what Eli wants. I just know what I have to do."

Ares: "That Virgil is one angry guy. I can't say I blame him."
Xena: "Get lost."
Ares: "But, he shouldn't hate Livia, should he? You're the one he should hate. You could have prevented all of this. But, no. Joxer's dead because the thought of me made you sick. Okay. But, if I sicken your soul … stopping Livia will kill it."

Xena: "I never thought it would be my friend."
Gabrielle: "It's not your fault, Xena."
Xena: "Isn't it? I spared Eve. I thought I could save her, and now Joxer is dead. What part of that isn't my fault?"
Gabrielle: "You had to try."
Xena: "That's cold comfort to Virgil and Meg. How many more innocents will die before I end this?"
Gabrielle: "None."

Eve is dead.
Gabrielle: "Xena, I went to Livia. I tried to tell her that we love her. She didn't care."
Xena: "You called her Livia."
Gabrielle: "That's who she is. Eve is dead. She's not your daughter anymore, Xena, she's Rome's."

Eli, wherever you are, I know you can hear me.
Xena: "Eli, wherever you are, I know you can hear me. I'm having a little trouble understanding your message, Eli. I'm a warrior. I have a warrior's heart. And yet, you told me to fight my enemies with compassion instead of the sword. Well, now I find that I have to kill my own daughter, my own flesh and blood. Is this what you meant when you said I must love my enemy?! Show me another way. Where is your infinite Love?"

I'm done talking ... Livia.
Livia: [entering Eli's temple] … "The sheep are all here … [to the robed followers who are kneeling in prayer] … Aren't you afraid of me?! You think Eli's going to save you?! … [Xena reveals herself as one of the followers] … Glad to see you, Xena. I hope you're not going to ruin my day with more of your excruciating mother/daughter platitudes."
Xena: "No. I'm done talking … Livia."

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