Gabrielle: "It's working, the army's moving out to where the explosions came from. Pao Su's not with them."
Xena: "Is Joxer ready?"
Gabrielle: "Yes."
Xena: "You know what to do."
Pao Su: "I have something wonderful to share with you both."
Xena: "You've been studying your mother's book?"
Pao Su: "Yes. And I've made a wonderful discovery. I don't need anyone -- not allies ... not my army ... or my family."
Gabrielle: "Hurry up, Joxer!"
Joxer: "What is this, an arms race?"
Gabrielle: "I have a bead on that munitions tent. We're going to blow it sky-high."
Go Kun: "I don't think so."
Gabrielle: "Light them up, now!"
Xena: "We've seen into your past, Pao Su."
Pao Su: "How perfectly symmetrical. In my meditation, I saw into my future. I am to follow in the footsteps of one who is called the Green Dragon."
Xena: "Then you'll be walking the path of a dead man."Kao Sin: "The Green Dragon is our brother, Pao Su. He would have killed us both if Mother hadn't sent us away."
Xena: "Lao Ma risked her own safety so that you might live a full life, and what have you done with her gift?"
Pao Su: "Shut up!"
Xena: "Her heart was breaking as she let you go, and when she did, she did without regret because she knew that she had saved your life."
Kao Sin: "I saw the tears our mother shed when she handed you off to the fisherman, Pao Su."
Pao Su: "Stop it!"
Xena: "I heard the wails of anguish as she said goodbye. Pao Su, you're losing your Purity of Hate because you're having a loving thought about your mother. Don't fight it. If you do, you will end up dead."
Pao Su: "At least I'll have you two to keep me company."
Xena & Kao Sin: " ‘To conquer others is to have power. To conquer yourself is to know the Way'." *** The gals throw a few thousand volts of ‘the Way' at Queen Amidalia ... er, I mean ... Pao Su.
Kao Sin: "I feel perfectly still. I do not feel the Power inside me anymore."
Xena: "We were just its vessel. If you call it back, it will come."Gabrielle: "Xena, Kun's army is heading to the northern mountains."
Joxer: "As far as I can tell, all the Black Powder has been destroyed."
Kao Sin: "Thank you, Xena. You are the strongest woman I have ever met."
Xena: "You never knew your mother ... but you are a worthy successor to her."
Kao Sin: "As are you ... my sister."
DISCLAIMER: To obtain a copy of Joxer's recipe for Moo Shu Sauce and other Chinese delicacies visit your local bookstore or look for it at the tavern.
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