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Where are they?
Xena: "Where are they?"
Aphrodite: "They're probably in the Great Hall which is right through there."
Xena: "Aphrodite, you might want to take off. Things could get ugly."
Aphrodite: [touching Gabrielle's forehead] … "Bye, little one."
Xena: "Thank you."

Xena: "Here we go …"
Eve: "Mother?"
Xena: "What is it, Eve?"
Eve: "Nothing. I just wanted to say it. I've never called anybody 'mother' before."
Xena: "I just wish I had seen you grow up. I bet you were a beautiful little girl."
Eve: "I was. I liked spiders."
Xena: "Me, too … okay, let's get you two out of here."

Ares: "Quite a load you've got there. Just … take it easy. I'm here to make you an offer."
Eve: "Like she trusts anything you say, you lying bastard!"
Ares: "We'll make you a god."
Xena: "And what about Eve and Gabrielle?"
Ares: "Gabrielle we can negotiate. But, Eve … she's our death warrant. She has to die."

I'm the god of War!  Nobody shoots the God of War!
Ares: "You know, uh … this is the second time since you became Xena, Slayer of Gods, that we've faced off one-on-one and you haven't been able to pull the trigger … Argh! … [Xena shoots him with her crossbow and ties him up in the chains of Hephaestus] … You shot me! I'm the god of War! Nobody shoots the God of War!"

Ba-bye Artemis
Xena: "I have a deal for you, Athena. You heal Eve and Gabrielle, and I'll leave you alone."
Athena: "Xena wants to make a deal. I don't think that's going to be necessary." … [Artemis shoots a couple of arrows at Xena, which she deftly plucks out of the air and throws right back at poor Artemis]
Xena: "You sure you don't wanna reconsider?"

[Ares struggles to break free of his chains and slowly inches towards the unconscious and dying Gabrielle and Eve.]

Xena: "Goddess of Wisdom, you got two choices - either you heal my friends and I leave you in peace, or you die now."
Athena: "I will not be dictated to by a mortal!"

Athena: [Xena's sword plunges into Athena's stomach] … "I don't feel a thing, Xena. You've lost the power to kill gods."

Saving the day?
[Ares places a hand at both Gabrielle and Eve's heads and begins to "do" something that creates a warm green glow about both of them.]

Athena: "It's a shame it had to come to this, Xena."

[Athena drops her guard a bit too much in her exuberance to have regained her invincibility against her foe. Xena strikes another blow, and this time the sword draws blood.]

I'm sorry, but I got a thing for her.
Athena: You healed them without my blessing! That's impossible!"
Ares: "I gave up my immortality to save them."
Athena: "What?"
Ares: "I'm sorry, but I got a thing for her."

Xena: [to a dazed and now mortal Ares] … "Thank you."

Xena: "Ooh, what do we got here?" … [Eve has a big ole hairy spider]
Eve: "Gabrielle … about, Joxer … I, uh …"
Gabrielle: "Eve, Joxer's at peace."
Eve: "Thank you."

No, we got our daughter back.
Gabrielle: "Looks like you got your daughter back."
Xena: "No, we got our daughter back."

DISCLAIMER: All the gods were harmed during the production of this motion picture.

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