Looking Death in the Eye
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Gabrielle: [comes to Xena's rescue] … "Xena! His chains!"

Xena: "I'm sorry, Celesta, I'm gonna have to ask you to stay … [wraps Hephaestus' chains around poor unsuspecting Celesta] … the chains of Hephaestus hold even the gods."

Gabrielle: "That was close."
Celesta: "Xena … what are you doing?"
Xena: [to Gabrielle] … "Check her hands."
Gabrielle: "It worked. She can't touch us."
Xena: "Good."
Celesta: "Your confrontation with Hephaestus - that's exactly what you wanted, how you lured me to you."
Xena: "Believe me, Lady, if there was a better way for us to hook up, I'd have done it."
Celesta: "Xena, how could you?"
Xena: "Gabrielle, get her out of here" … [picks up Celesta's candle and carries it out]

Gabrielle: "Celesta's secure (in the back of an ancient U-Haul wagon)."
Xena: "Good … [Octavius hands her Eve] … hey, Sweetheart … Octavius, thanks for babysitting."
Octavius: "Anytime."
Xena: "You're a good friend. We'll be seeing you."

Athena: "First there was Eli. The masses adored him and the message he conveyed … and you killed him."
Ares: "Again with the Eli. He had to die, Sis. How many times do-"
Athena: "His death started the uprise against us that Xena capitalized on at Amphipolis. Where you chose to fight at her side, I might add. What's left to come?"
Hephaestus: "Athena … Xena took Celesta."
Ares: "Well, I guess you got your answer."

Gabrielle: [to Eve] … "One day, you'll have your own horse …"
Celesta: "Xena, you should know that my brother and Athena and all Olympus will stop at nothing to find me."
Xena: "Then they better hurry up, because if I'm not mistaken, Celesta … when this candle burns out … you die. Then, the death of Death herself, and me and my kid will live forever."

Celesta: "Xena, this isn't like you, or you, Gabrielle. At one time, you both fought to free me."… [see Death in Chains]
Xena: "You're right. Somehow motherhood has made me harder."
Celesta: "Even giving birth to a child isn't enough to sway someone so grounded in their beliefs."
Xena: "And how's that?"
Celesta: "By holding me here, you're condemning to eternal suffering those who would otherwise find their Peace."
Xena: "Lady, since we last met, I've decided that you cause a lot more suffering than you end."
Celesta: "Death is nothing to fear, Xena. For I only visit those who's rightful time it is-"
Xena: "'Rightful time'?! Who decides when it is the 'rightful time'? You are at the beck and call of every warlord and murderer."

Xena: "Solan, my only son, his 'rightful time' came when someone else decided it should, and you came running - no questions asked. You didn't end the suffering of my little boy, Celesta. You stole his life! And Marcus! And Lyceus!"
Celesta: "Your brother …"
Gabrielle: "Xena--"
Xena: "Lyceus! He wasn't just a brother. He was my best friend. Growing up, he was everything to me. He accepted me for who and what I was. And if you hadn't taken him, he would have grown up--"
Gabrielle: "Xena, don't do this."
Xena: "What?"
Gabrielle: "She's immortal. She'll never understand the pain of losing someone."
Xena: "Yes, she will. Yes, she will. Because you have a brother, too."
Celesta: "Yes. Hades. He's my only family. The first to accept me for who and what I am. I may not agree with his actions, Xena, but I believe he thinks he is doing what is right. He's always been true to his convictions, and sometimes that makes him a little stubborn. But I think it is his noblest quality. To lose him … is unthinkable."
Xena: "And what if he lost you? What would he say about that?"
Celesta: "I may never know."

Xena: [wiping a tear from Celesta's cheek] … "Death can end suffering, Celesta. Suffering just begins for those left behind. I can't lose what's left of my family, and I won' t lose another child."

Gabrielle: "You know, she's right about one thing, Xena. The gods will stop at nothing. Holding Celesta prevents them from killing anyone, but they'll inflict pain, suffering."
Xena: "Starting with the one most vulnerable."

Joxer: "Hey, Gabby. Hi! Hey, listen, they have the best ale in this place. It's, like, bubbly and--"
Gabrielle: "We've got to get--"
Athena's Soldier: "Joxer, I presume?"
Joxer: "Uh, yes, that's spelled with an 'X'. The 'X' is for extra-super-sexy."
Gabrielle: "Joxer--"
Joxer: "Not now."
Athena's Soldier: "Athena thanks you for being Xena and Gabrielle's most high-profile acquaintance."
Joxer: "Oh, well, I'm very high-profile all around town …"
Gabrielle: [Athena appears] … "Let him go!" … [Athena swats poor Gabs away as if she were a pesky gnat]

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