*** A big ole' battle ensues and Gabs grabs the helmet and has some fun with the Proxidicae.
Hades: "Tear the Underground apart if you have to, but find them!"
Hera: "How much do you understand about where we're going?"
Hercules: "I know my grandfather, Cronos is buried there."
Hera: "And what do you know about him?"
Hercules: "Zeus killed him."
Hera: "But do you know how?"
Hercules: "He never told me, but I've heard the stories."
Hera: "What I'm about to tell you has never fallen upon mortal ears. In order to let sunlight into the world, Cronos removed one of his ribs and crafted it into a dagger. With it, he pierced the blackness and light spilled from the heavens like blood."
Hercules: "And Zeus used it to kill him. Then, he destroyed it. If I can find Cronos' remains, I can get another rib."
Hera: "Which is why we must trust each other. No one with mortal blood can find these bones. You need me to lead you there."
Hercules: "And why would you want to do that?"
Hera: "I love Zeus. Hopefully the remains of Cronos will be enough to scare him away from Xena."
Hercules: "Hopefully ... but I still don't get it. Why would you side with Humanity?"
Hera: "From the moment Zeus and I created mortals, I spent my time hating them for the infidelities he shared with them. But, once I forgave him, I realized that Humanity is the only creation that I am truly proud of."
Hercules: "I never thought I'd say this ... I believe you. But, how can I be sure you aren't going to change your mind?"
Hera: "Because of a lesson I regret teaching you a long time ago, Hercules. Parents should never outlive their children."
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Zeus: "Was it too much to expect you to honor your commitments?" |
Zeus: "If she's helping Hercules, she could lead him to ... no, no, she wouldn't dare."
Ares: "She's a woman! Whatever you're thinking, you're probably right."
Zeus: "Then I shall rid the world of Hercules and Xena myself."
Ares: "Yeah, you go do that ... Dad."
Hercules: "So why are we stopping?"
Hera: "That mortal blood of yours really limits your vision, doesn't it? ... (a large mountain appears) ... The dagger's inside. Its power allows you to kill the Proxidicae. But, there's something you must know."
Hercules: "No. There's something you must know. I can never forgive you for taking my family from me."
Hera: "If there were anything that I could do to change that, believe me, I would."
Hercules: "I'm not finished. In spite of how I feel, I know that choosing to help me was a decision you made at the risk of losing your husband. And for that, I am grateful. Now, what did you want to tell me?"
Hera: "Zeus know me all too well. Once he discovers that I am helping you, he will anticipate us trying to get Cronos' bones."
Hercules: "I'm counting on it."
Ares: "I thought I might find you here. That won't be necessary. In my brother's kingdom, I have no power."
Xena: "Oh, good. Now I can really wipe the floor with you."
Ares: "You don't wanna do that."
Xena: "You're right, I'm in too much of a hurry."
Ares: "Xena, I want to protect your unborn child from the other gods."
Xena: "Why would you want to do that?"
Ares: "Well, I've had a falling out with Dad, and as you know, I've always had a thing for you."
Xena: "For me and my friend."
Xena: "Look, you stalking me is not helping the trust factor any."
Ares: "This is not your standard god obsession, okay? I'm having urges that I'm not real proud of."
Xena: "I'm not going to become your warrior queen, Ares. Besides, you expect me to believe you'd protect a child the Fates say will destroy you?"
Ares: "They say it will destroy all the gods. Now, if I'm going to be mortal ... I could live out my life ... with you."
Xena: "What are you talking about?"
Ares: "I have feelings for you, okay? I care about you, damn it! I see your face everywhere."
Xena: "Stop it! You stop it! You're so desperate you're trying to convince me you love me? Well, go on, say it ... say it ... say you love me ... the time for you and me has been and gone."
Ares: "Well, it was worth a shot. I thought in your present condition you might be a little more gullible."
Xena: "I am pregnant, not brain damaged."
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Ares: "... I love you, Xena." |
Xena: "Solan, you see that gap there? We've got to get you through there somehow."
Gabrielle: "Xena, the Proxidicae are looking all over for us."
Xena: "It is good to see you."
Gabrielle: "It's good to see myself."
Xena: "Aghh."
Solan: "Mom?"
Xena: "It's okay ... it's okay."
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Hades: "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" |
Gabrielle: "Whatever we do, we better do it quick."
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Hades: "Xena! I know you want to save both your children. But, you're smart enough to recognize a lose-lose situation when you see it." |
Xena: "Gabrielle, give me the helmet, quick ... Solan, when I give you the word, I want you to put on the helmet and run for the gap. When I give you the word, okay?"
Solan: "Promise you won't forget me?"
Xena: "Cross my heart and hope to die."
Solan: (whispers in Xena's ear)
Xena: "That's great idea. I love you. I'll always love you ... get behind me and wait for the word, alright?"
Gabrielle: "Are you ready for this?"
Xena: "As ready as I'll ever be ... YAAAHHHH!!!! ... Solan, go!"
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Solan: "Mom, is that you?" |
Xena: "Aagh ... Gabrielle!"
Gabrielle: "It's okay, let's go home."
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