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Gabrielle: "Where's Xena?"
Mavikan: "You really don't know? Ares has put the two of you in the same body. You get the night, she gets the day. Problem is you're stuck with me for the night ... or at least long enough for me to kill you."

Look around you ...
Xena: (to Gabrielle from her dark little room) "Look around you ... good girl."
Mavikan: "What, you think you can take me on with a staff? Please, Gabrielle, I perfected the art."
Gabrielle: "I have nothing to lose, do I?" (Gabs springs Xena's trap)

Mavikan: "You can't hide, Gabrielle! I'll find you! Before sun-up ... you're mine."

Ares: "You have to like her style ... the focus, the intensity, the ability to learn and adapt. She is just incredible. I can't believe I took her for granted for so long."
Xena: "You're just using Mavikan to get to me Ares. It won't work. Why don't you give up on me."
Ares: "Xena, I have given up on you. And what makes you think I was talking about Mavikan?"

Xena: "This is about Gabrielle. You're not testing Mavikan, you're after Gabrielle!"
Ares: "You're not jealous? I mean, despite what Mavikan thought, I have been thinking about your heir, and who better than the one you trained?"

Xena: "Yah! (executes a quick jab to the God of War's face) ... You leave her out of this!"
Ares: "There it is! There's the fire! There's the anger you lost!"
Xena: "She'll never follow you."
Ares: "Well, she hasn't heard my offer yet, and anyway, how well do you really know her anymore? Well, I guess we'll find out ... when she kills Mavikan."

Xena: "C'mon, Gabrielle, you can fight him. You know Ares well enough."

If you read this ...
Xena: "If you read this, then you'll know that I'm here. Ares has merged us into the same body. The same way that the world shares day and night, never sees the same two together. Mavikan's tough, but we can defeat her. A lot of it depends on you, though. You've figured out part of Ares' riddle, but you can't kill her, Gabrielle. It's something that Ares wants to see and I don't know why yet. Together, we can get out of this."

Ares: "Hello, Gabrielle."
Gabrielle: "What do you want?"
Ares: "I've been watching you. I think you have potential."
Gabrielle: "Potential for what? Nevermind, I really don't want to know."
Ares: "You've also got a slanted opinion of me ... okay, only somewhat slanted. But, I'm serious, you're not quite there yet, but maybe I've been dismissing you too easily over the years. Maybe, they heir to Xena's throne has been right in front of me all along."
Gabrielle: "Are you out of your mind?"

Ares: "Here's the deal -- I've learned a few things from Xena ... and, perhaps my quest for Peace through Power isn't quite what I thought it was."
Gabrielle: "You are so full of ..."
Ares: "No. That is Xena's problem these days, she's so set in her ways. She won't even make an effort to see change. You should know that more than anyone. It's okay, you don't have to answer. It's obvious. It's painfully obvious. So don't do to me what Xena does to you. Just -- just hear mer out honestly, okay?"
Gabrielle: "Okay"

What I need ...
Ares: "What I need, what I think I've always needed, is someone strong enough to lead people. I think the key is to find someone who's learned to fight, but has the discretion not to. Now, that's something Xena never had."

Gabrielle: "What about Mavikan?"
Ares: "What about her? She's set in her ways already. Have you listened to her speak? No. The old Ares, he would have loved her, but not me."

Ares: "I want you to look beyond out past. I know how you feel about me, you've got good reason. But, maybe ... uh ... gods can change, too."
Gabrielle: "What happens to Xena?"
Ares: "Xena? Xena goes home, lives with her mother, and spends the rest of her years safe in the knowledge that someone she trusts is in control."

Her Destiny is in your hands
Ares: "I want you to think about this, but don't take to long. Mavikan is really intent on killing Xena. Of course, her Destiny is in your hands. With this (one of Gabrielle's sais) you can kill Mavikan. Now, you do that, and I'll know that you're ready."

Mavikan: "Nice place. Room for one more?"
Xena: (looking on from her dark, little room) "No, Gabrielle! Don't do it! Don't do it."

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