Xena: "What happened?"
Gabrielle: "Ares, uh ... I ..."
Woman: "She let Ares kill him! She betrayed us all! She should be punished!"
Xena: "Is that what Eli would have you do?! Try to find a scapegoat when you should be banding together?!"Gabrielle: "I believed him."
Xena: "You defended him, didn't you? ... You defended him, didn't you?"
Gabrielle: "Don't you blame me for this!"
Xena: "You didn't put up a fight?"
Gabrielle: "Don't you dare blame me! ... Don't you DARE blame me!"
Xena: "You didn't put up a fight?"
Gabrielle: "Xena, you were gone! I did what he asked me to do!"
Xena: "What about what I asked you to do?!"Xena: "The only reason that people like Eli exist is because people like us defend them when they won't defend themselves."
Gabrielle: "So Ares is right?! The whole future is shaped by warriors!"
Ares: "When I first met you, you barely had the skill to skip a rock. I guess Xena's been a positive influence on you after all ... you're getting pretty good with these."
Gabrielle: "Not good enough."Gabrielle: "You did it! You did it!"
Ares: "I did what I had to do."
Gabrielle: "I didn't."Ares: "Don't be so hard on yourself, Gabrielle. It was selfish of Eli to put you in that position. You can't fool me, Gabrielle. I can see that you know the truth."
Gabrielle: "What truth is that?"
Ares: "That might is right ... even when it's wrong."
Gabrielle: "You don't know what I believe."
Ares: "I can see into your heart, Gabrielle. I know you were trying to do the right thing. You would have no regrets if you listened to your head instead of Eli. Imagine how it could be ... if you had the power to save him. Let me show you what it feels like ... that is how I feel every moment of every day. It is the power of the gods, and with it ... you can change the world. Isn't that what you always wanted?"
Callisto: "Eli lived and died by his message, and as long as you keep it in your heart, his spirit will live on."
Xena: "I'm not much for flowery sentiment. I'm not going to start now."
Callisto: "What can I do to ease you pain?"
Xena: "Nothing. You wanted him dead."
Callisto: "Eli's death was not arbitrary, Xena."
Xena: "I know that! You set it in motion."
Callisto: "This isn't an ending. It's a beginning. Eli will continue the cycle of life as his soul is reincarnated into a new body."
Xena: "I liked him just fine in the old one!"
Xena: "What about Gabrielle? She's suffering because she's caught up in the middle of your game."
Callisto: "I'm afraid Ares will cause her the real harm."
Xena: "That's why I'm going after him."Callisto: "I realize you may never believe this, but I care about Gabrielle ... and about you."
Xena: "Well, if that's true, then you can take me to the Dagger of Helios. They say that no person on earth knows where it is ... that's why I'm betting you do."
Callisto: "I don't know if I can do that."
Xena: "Well, why not? Doesn't your god believe in free will?"
Gabrielle: "This is your big accomplishment, Eli? If I hadn't listened to you, I wouldn't be talking to your ashes. You probably think that I am betraying you by standing with Ares, but I'm just trying to use his knowledge for a Greater Good. I keep telling myself that. You believed in me, Eli. You always knew that we were on a separate path. Have faith in me now."
Callisto: "Eli chose his path, now you chose yours. I remained in this realm simply to help you along. So, if it's the dagger you want ... it's what you'll get."
Xena: "The Dagger of Helios -- with the power to kill a god."
Callisto: "Consider this -- by killing Ares, are you honoring Eli's memory?"
Xena: "Eli's dead. Now we do things my way."Callisto: "Listen. Please, listen. I have spent my time in Heaven trying to reconcile the monster I was with the being that I am now, and I have come to realize that we are all born of two natures, Xena, Good and Evil. The side we chose to nurture defines who we are."
Xena: "The last person I need a morality lesson from is you."
Callisto: "If you won't listen to me, then listen to Eli. He sacrificed himself to make it easier for people to follow the way of Peace."
Xena: "Like sheep to the slaughter. It's easy to preach Peace when you live in Heaven. Where I come from, you've got to fight for what you believe in. Why don't you come along. It's not every day that you get to witness the Twilight of the gods. It should be a good show."
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