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Furies: "She killed Joxer. Who will her next victim be?"… [the three Furies hop into Gabrielle's head]

Xena: "We've got to get her to shelter … Gabrielle?"
Furies: [in Gabrielle's head] … "She killed Joxer. Who will the next victim be?"
Gabrielle: "Xena … of course."

Woman: "Xena? Excuse me, did you call that woman 'Xena'?"
Gabrielle: "Yes."
Woman: "Our scripture tell us that our founder knew a woman called Xena. We call her the Defender of the Faith. But it couldn't be the same woman."
Gabrielle: "Your founder? Do you mean Eli?"
Woman: "Yes."
Gabrielle: [looking towards Xena] … "This is the Defender of your Faith."

Xena: "Give me a hand to get her on the horse."
Woman: "It would be a great honor if you all would take shelter in my home."
Xena: "Thank you."

Jed: "Is it true that he could breathe fire?"
Gabrielle: "No … no, he was a man made of flesh and blood like you. That's why his mission was so important to him."
Woman: "You see, Jed. Now I want you to take that fire breathing stuff out of your scroll … [to Gabrielle] … Tell us some more, please."
Gabrielle: "He, um … he gave us all hope that every living thing could be saved by Love."
Eve: "He was wrong. How can I be saved with the things I've done?"
Xena: "Eve, maybe you should listen to what they have to say about Eli."
Woman: "Eli teaches that even if you've done something really bad, you can find comfort in Love."
Eve: "I've wiped out entire villages just because they wouldn't pay me tribute. I've drunk the blood of men that I have tortured to death. I killed their best friend!"
Xena: "Stop."

She's gloating about killing Joxer.
Furies: [in Gabrielle's head] … "She's gloating about killing Joxer. Are you leaving her alone with Xena? Who knows what she's capable of?"

Xena: "Eli used to initiate sinners into his Way of Love with some sort of ceremony."
Woman: "Yes, there's a man that continues this tradition. We call him The Baptist."
Xena: "Where can I find him?"

The Baptist: "Do you admit your trespasses?"
Sinner: "Yes."
The Baptist: "I now cleanse your body with these sweet waters … and initiate you into the Way of Love."

You must die...
Eve: "What are you looking at?"
The Baptist: "Suffering … horrible suffering."
Eve: "I should die for my deeds."
The Baptist: "You're right. You must die to these things of the flesh … and be reborn … to the Way of Love."

If that's the way it must be...
Xena: [a ray of light shines down from the heavens which only Xena can see] … "If that's the way it must be … then I'm ready."

Furies: [in Gabrielle's head] … "Look at Xena. She's just setting herself up to be hurt again … You know there's no reforming Eve … She's just setting herself up to be hurt again."

[Poseidon's watery form appears just off shore. Further down the beach Discord, Hades, Hephaestus, Artemis and Discord appear. Those silly gods, when will they learn? They begin throwing fireballs at the gals, one of which is deflected by Xena's sword and hits Poseidon who dissipates into nothingness. Discord draws her sword to attack Xena, only to be decapitated. Xena intercepts Hephaestus' axe and sends it back at him in full swing (poor Aphrodite). Ares and Artemis finally appear and view the god carnage.]

So ... you can kill gods.
Athena: "So … you can kill gods."

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